complete the Motorcycle Safety Foundation Basic Rider Course or the North.

Replace Foundation Licence now! And Intermediate Licence, Building on the Foundation’ with ‘The Foundation Licence manual and The Intermediate Licence manual’, Operation at Sea Col 2, para 5, Replace the last sentence of the paragraph with ‘If you are still in UK waters you must use the appropriate RSL. Applicants under Age 18 Applying for a Driver License or Learner Permit. 3(3) Only where this Licence is a Full Licence or a Full (Club) Licence may the Licensee also permit the operation of the Radio Equipment: (a) by a person on a Recognised Foundation Training Course or (b) by a non-UK person who holds a current radio amateur licence issued. What has changed? – The Foundation Licence. The following is a summary of the changes to the current Foundation Licence Manual (rev 3). /rebates/&252ffoundation-licence-manual-pdf. The Foundation Licence Manual for Radio Amateurs is the RSGB course-book for those who wish to become radio amateurs in the UK. This videos series focuses on sub-permitting and processes used by permit applicants using Fast Track. Foundation licence by removing unnecessary restrictions, while balancing the risk of interference to other radio spectrum users. In line with the progressive three-tier UK licence structure, the Foundation Licence Manual is the first step in the natural progression to the Intermediate and Full licence. The Foundation Licence Manual for Radio Amateurs is the RSGB course-book for those who wish to become radio amateurs in the UK. Foundation-Manual Addeddate 08:36:28 Foldoutcount 0 Identifier Foundation-Manual Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t3321v77g Ocr ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Pages 34 Ppi 300.